Our Story

Eric and Alessandra reside in Miami, Florida. They have over 40 years experience Training and Transforming bodies of clients of all types and ages. Highly skilled in Biomechanics, Nutrition, and Recovery. They have proven with Consistency the results are guaranteed!

– Daniela Bottero

"One of the biggest challenges during my pregnancy was maintaining a workout routine, managing healthy weight gain, and feeling good about the changes in my body. Initially, I was scared of facing these transformations. But with Ale's guidance, we worked out safely throughout my pregnancy, ensuring there was no risk to the baby. This not only helped my body stay strong and healthy through all the changes but also made it easier to return to my pre-pregnancy body and have a smoother postpartum recovery."

- Nicolette DiDonato

"I have been with Alessandra for almost 10 years! She is not only a trainer but has became a friend! She transforms my body to whatever I ask and need. When it was my wedding time, she helped me reach every goal I had! She is always early, professional and there is truly no one like her to bring you the most positive and best energy each training session!"

- David Mitchell

I’d like to thank you Eric for taking my physical health to the next level. I’ve worked with numerous trainers over the years with Mediocre results at best. Eric’s your professionalism and knowledge of trained took me to the next level. I turn 57 this year I’m stronger than I’ve ever been in my life. You have helped me get to and maintain 7% body fat. Truly I feel better over all than I did when I was in my 20s. Thanks Eric keep on the mission to to help others achieve there Wildest dreams!!  

- Beth Edwards

I have been working with Coach Eric Story for over 6 years. I can say that his commitment to his clients is unrivaled by anyone I know in the fitness industry. My personal story is unique. I came to Eric years ago to help transition my body and my performance from a sprint triathlete to a long course triathlete. I had no idea what this would entail but Eric sure did! Eric knew exactly what was needed and created a specialized program specifically for my body so that I could achieve maximum results. Together we ended up not only competing in long course but securing a spot on the USA National Team 3 years in a row (and counting) and making it to the ITU World Championships. Whether you’re new to working out or an experienced athlete, Eric’s knowledge of various sports, disciplines, and consistent work ethic is an asset to anyone. I assure you if you come to Eric willing to become more, he will deliver. I would recommend Eric and his Story Strong Training Systems to anyone looking to improve their overall health, mindset, and conditioning.